Monday, July 6, 2015

Learn A Word A Day Recede

verb [I]
to move further away into the distance, or to become less clear or less bright:
-As the boat picked up speed, the coastline receded into the distance until finally it became invisible.
-The painful memories gradually receded in her mind.

receding hairline
noun [C usually singular]
If a man has a receding hairline, he is losing the hair from the front of his head.

Image result for receding hairline stages

1. move back or away,

a. (of tide, flood, etc)
-the flood waters slowly receded,
air bah itu surut perlahan-lahan;

b. (of hairline)
-his hairline is receding,
garis rambutnya semakin


2. become more distant,

-she watched from the deck as the island receded into the distance,
dr geladak dia melihat pulau itu menghilang di kejauhan;

3. decline,

-share prices receded slightly today,
harga-harga saham merosot sedikit hari ini;

4. become slight,
menjadi tipis:

-hopes of finding the children alive are receding,
harapan utk menjumpai anak-anak itu dlm keadaan masih hidup menjadi tipis;

receding adj (of chin, forehead)


• /rɪˈsiːd; rɪ`sid/
1 [I, Ipr]

recede (from sth) (seem to) move back from a previous position or away from an observer

As the tide receded (from the shore) we were able to look for shells.
潮水(自岸边)退去, 我们就能寻找贝壳了.

* We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance.
我们驶抵公海, 海岸似乎退到了远方.

* (fig 比喻)
The prospect of bankruptcy has now receded, ie is less likely.

2 [I] slope backwards

a receding chin

* Tom has a receding hairline, ie His hair has stopped growing at the forehead and temples.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Pelan Laluan Kecemasan SKPBB

Pelan laluan kecemasan berikut dikemaskini dari semasa ke semasa selang
SATU atau DUA tahun kerana perubahan struktur bangunan dan tempat-tempat
khas ditetapkan oleh pihak sekolah.

Click the diagram below to view in larger image.
Klik gambar berikut untuk besarkan peta laluan kecemasan.

Semasa kecemasan, semua warga sekolah berkumpul di tapak perhimpunan sekolah. Ini kerana syor pihak bomba yang menyatakan padang dan ruangan letak kereta terbuka perlu digunakan untuk parking kereta bomba , ambulans dan menjadi tempat operasi pihak penyelamat serta anggota keselamatan.



Bilik Gerakan Negeri: 09-6236655/09-6236644
Bilik Gerakan Daerah K/Terengganu: 09-6222966
Bilik Gerakan Daerah Kuala Nerus: 09-6623717
Bilik Gerakan Daerah Hulu Terengganu: 09-6812572
Bilik Gerakan Daerah Marang: 09-6181258
Bilik Gerakan Daerah Besut: 09-6953667
Bilik Gerakan Daerah Setiu: 09-6090126
Bilik Gerakan Daerah Dungun: 09-8456000
Bilik Gerakan Daerah Kemaman: 09-8591063

Bilik Gerakan Negeri: 09-7479798
Bilik Gerakan Daerah Kuala Krai: 09-9666399
Bilik Gerakan Daerah Tanah Merah: 09-9556963/7463
Bilik Gerakan Daerah Machang: 09-9752963

Pusat Kawalan Bencana Negara (NDCC): 03-80642400
Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara (NADMA)
_*maklumat sehingga 30/11/2019_



Pelan laluan kecemasan 2018 telah dimansuhkan.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Questionnaire for pondering on assessment

Come across this questionnaire on internet conducted by a Universiti Malaya student. It is great to ponder upon.

Assessment in Malaysian Schools

Dear colleagues,
Please kindly spare a few minutes of your time to fill out this questionnaire. Your responses to this questionnaire will be treated with utmost confidence. Thank you for your cooperation.

* Required
Part 1: Your Background Information

1. Gender *
  Male / Female

2. Age *
 20 - 29
 30 - 39
 40 - 49
 above 50

3. Number of years you have been teaching: *
 0 - 2 years
 3 - 6 years
 7 - 10 years
 11 years or more

4. Highest academic qualifications: *
 A teacher's certificate
 A diploma
 A bachelor's degree
 A master's degree
If you choose 'others', please specify: *
(Note: For those who have chosen other options apart from 'others', please fill in 'NR' which indicates Not Relevant)

Major in: *
(You are required to fill in your area of specialisation for your academic qualifications, e.g. Teaching English as A Second Language, English Language Education, etc)

5. Type of school you are teaching in: *

Part A: Teachers' Assessment Values

Please tick (√) ONE box to give your opinion for each statement.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about assessment?

1= Strongly Disagree 2= Disagree  3= Agree  4= Strongly Agree
1= Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Agree
4 = Strongly Agree

1. The main aim of assessment is understanding learners' progress.
2. Assessment is best organized formally at dates and at times previously decided.
3. Focusing on learners’ final achievements is an important function of assessment.
4. Learners need to be involved in the process of assessment .
5. It is important that assessment takes place continuously throughout the year.
6. Ranking learners is an important function of assessment.
7. It is important for learners to know the criteria they are assessed against.
8. Teachers need to take full control of the assessment process.
9. One exam at the end of the year is the best way to assess learners.
10. Exams need to be produced by the Ministry of Education.
11. Providing regular feedback to learners on their progress is an important aspect of assessment.
12. Assessment is best conducted at the end of learning process.
13. Assessment needs to be based on continuous observations of learners' progress.
14. Assessment needs to be based on a variety of assessment methods.
15. Remedying learners' weakness is an important aspect of assessment.
16. The main aim of assessment is determining learners' achievement.
17. Teachers need to use the assessment results to inform their teaching.
18. Learners need to be assessed mainly on the content of the course book.
19. Providing regular feedback to parents on their children's progress is an important aspect of assessment.
20. Assessment plays an important role in the teaching process.
21. Through assessment, teacher can easily figure out students’  difficulties in learning.
22. SBA can lower students’ anxiety for assessments.

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