Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Year 3 Get Smart Module 9 On Holiday Page 85

Dear parents and all students,
There are 7 steps to be followed through in this lesson 2020052161


1.0 Watch video clip from Youtube, 
2.0 Read a short story.
3.0 Listen to the audio and read along with a passage of story.
4.0 Guided read-along .
5.0 Complete the written exercises.
6.0 Snap a picture of your completed homework.  
7.0 Answers? 

Watch the video clip below. Sing along.

Read the lyrics below :

Module 9 :
On Holiday Sing A Song Page 85
There we were, there we were,
We were on the island again On holiday
We packed our bags And jumped on a plane
In just two hours
We were there again
We walked on the beach
And played in the sun
We sailed a boat It was a lot of fun!

Listen to the audio by clicking the link below, and read along .  
(Make sure you have switched on your audio speaker , Choose "Listen in Browser" if you are using mobile-phone)

Click the video clip link below to read-along. 
(Make sure you have switched on your audio speaker)
Listen and understand the conversation between Greg and Anna.

Complete the written exercise,  please refer to your textbook Get Smart Plus 3,  page 87.
Fill in the blanks with the correct words, copy the sentences into your exercise book. 

Example :
What did you do at the weekend ?

(1) I went to the forest.
(2) I _____ in the swimming pool.
(3) I _____ a big fish in the river.
(4) I _____  a big burger.
(5) I _____  a bath in my bath-tub.
(6) I _____  a family dinner in the restaurant.
(7) I _____ a kite with my brother.
(7) When I was shopping in Giant supermarket. I _____ Michael Jackson. 

Complete the written exercise,  please refer to your textbook Get Smart Plus 3,  page 87.
Fill in the blanks with the correct words, copy the sentences into your exercise book. 

5.3 (Enrichment written exercises, optional)
Rearrange the alphabets to form correct words.  Then,
Fill in the blanks with the correct words, copy the sentences into your exercise book. 

You can try out the online interactive exercise , click on the hyperlink below to access: 


Please snap a picture of your completed homework and post to GOSET, Mr. Goh's English Class in Telegram. 


Do you know the answers? 
Please discuss with your family members, your parents , your siblings, or anyone, for the answers.
Still, if you are in doubt. Still, do not know the answers, you can PM , personal message your classmates , Mr Goh or anyone , who is good in English listening skill. Please share this webpage, to anyone. Sharing is caring.

Do you like this homework? What do you think ? Remember to tell Mr. Goh down here in the comments section. Let's talk about anything down here. I miss you all.

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